Kate says: I'll be the only one saying anything about this movie because Emilee was not with me. I wish she were but she's at some nifty theatre thing. I'm not so I had to find some way to entertain myself!
I read The Help a little while ago and LOVED it. I couldn't put it down! So when my school had a showing of this movie for free, I just had to go. I was a little nervous because we all know how people who read think about movie adaptations. However, I really loved the movie. It was so close to the book, it was just unbelievable. Anything that was cut was a small detail that didn't matter too much. I'm usually enraged by the end of watching movies based on books I loved, but I really did enjoy this one! The cast was spectacular. My friend who went with me kept saying that she wanted most of Skeeter's dresses and I couldn't blame her! They were adorable! The little detail I loved the best was the sounds of the bugs in the background. My family is from the south and you really can hear those bugs all the time. Mae Mobley was completely adorable. I love that name, I think someday I'll have a future pet named that!
Do I recommend it?
Kate: YES! But book first!